Creature and Puppet Fabricator


Halloween Horror Nights

Fiesta De Chupacabras

Chupacabra for Universal's Halloween Horror Nights 2022

Head and body elements sculpted and then prepped for molding

Mouth palettes sculpted and painted.
Pieces assembled and attached to animatronic jaw

Final assembly and installation

Chucky: Ultimate Kill Count

Melted Chucky for Universal's Halloween Horror Nights 2023

Head mold used to cast bases for Chucky deaths

Face sculpted onto model

Finale figure finish and paint

Death Angels-"A Quiet Place" House 2024

Death Angel bodies painted with pigmented latex in layers to match the character design

Ghostbusters's Terror Dog tongue and jaw painted with a latex gloss

Dora the Explorer

Responsible for Backpack and Dora and Boots shoe fabric draping

Backpack assembly and details

Boots Shoe fabric draping


Dino Mask

Dino Mask sculpted and molded in two part fiberglass mold then cast

Head mold used to cast bases for Chucky deaths

Boots Shoe fabric draping

Commedia Mask

Plaster mold and cast then painted
Commedia Mask
Mask designed and then made into a pattern and sculpted


Wolf Boy

Patterns made from original sculpt and translated onto foam sheets

Mouth insert fabricated and installed. Puppet covered in fur

Neoprene Marionette


Clay parts sculpted and molded in two part molds to be cast and assembled.

Casts and wooden chest piece prepped for assembly


Mrs. Thistletwat

Patterns made from head base and translated into foam pieces and assembled.

Fabric added to foam parts and assembled for final puppet

SFX Makeup/Prosthetics

King Lear Eyes

Mold taken of actors face and then translated into a mask. Eyes were sculpted on for the effect

Prosthetics applied to actor with artificial blood for stunt effect


Face cast created by layering silicone with a plaster bandage mold after

Ape Makeup

Ape face sculpted and cast in expanding foamFace painted, and then hair wefts attached as a wig

Reptile Makeup

Mask sculpted and then cast in foam and painted

Transfer Prosthetics

Sculpted elements molded into plaster molds to be painted in using silicone to create the transfer prosthetics


1830s Dresses

Dresses designed based off of 1830s fashion

Insect Costume

Insect costumes and bug eyes fabricated

Foam patterns carved and painted for abdomen and then attached to shirt

Bug eyes made from glasses with painted plastic bulbs attached

Wig fabricated from wire base with fibers woven around to create horn shape

Hocus Pocus Mickey Mouse Wigs

Quilt intricate designs using layers of fabrics and foam to replicate the textures and volume of hair.


Invitation to a Bonfire

Creature and Puppet Fabrication

Based in Massachusetts

Tobias Francis is a graduate of West Virginia University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Design and Technology, with an emphasis on Costume Design. Having experience in both stage productions and themed entertainment, Tobias is a versatile artist eager to take on any new projects to excite audiences.

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